Gimp How To Recover Dialog Boxes


Created By : Redfeather @ : This is Redfeather from Grep Haxs in this video we will be showing you how to recover dialog boxes in Gimp If you are new to Gimp it is a image manipulation program able to do many things such as paint and animation also it is of the open source community free to use and you can download it threw your Ubuntu software center Gimp is much more than I am describing it is very powerful and is also made available to Microsoft Windows and OSX notice how the dialog boxes appear on the left and right in Gimp for some reason at times after closing Gimp and then reopening at a later time you may notice these dialog boxes are missing so I will close my dialog boxes in order to show you how to easily reopen the gimp dialog boxes notice all my boxes in Gimp are now closed go to the Gimp tool bar go to windows highlight the recently closed Docs this should contain only the right two dialog boxes brushes and layers I am not sure why it only carries the two but not to worry click on it in gimp pardon my drag in I am duel screening next go back to the Gimp tool bar go to windows scroll down to add new tool box and click it then go back to the tool bar in Gimp and scroll down to dockable dialog boxes and click on options now that all four boxes are back you can adjust and resize them to fit your needs in Gimp but what if you look at your recently closed docs and it is empty in Gimp this time I will only close the right side boxes in Gimp to show you how to manually recover them go to windows in the tool bar once again you can see they are present but I have seen this not happen in Gimp for some reason scroll down to dockable dialog boxes then down to layers and click it in Gimp drag it into position and resize to your desire there are two ways you can bring up the next box the first is go to the option box and click the square labeled brushes the second way in Gimp is to go back to the tool bar go to windows scroll down to brushes and click it now that we have all four boxes in Gimp again you can resize to your liking I hope you have enjoyed this video please feel free to like comment and become a subscriber and by all means visit us at our website @ the intro/extro of this video has been provided by alexabaiu1 from his youtube channel thank you in advance I am out

Published by: Grep Haxs Published at: 7 years ago Category: علمی و تکنولوژی