Live Demo 3DExperience 16X


Hi all, here is our first Live Demonstration of the 3DExperience 16X on Cloud! This demonstration comes from one of our customer case. We helped and shown him how to design a parametric sheetmetal table. It shows you in less than 40min that it is possible for a designer to: - Design a sheetmetal part (0:00) - Generate several configurations into a design table from parameters (10:10) - Establish a rule that will drive the design (15:50) - Instantiate a component family into a catalog (17:50) - Create an assembly an add parts from a catalog (21:50) - Make a basic assembly drawing (24:40) - Launch a quick structural validation on SIMULIA Apps (26:05) - Modify the assembly replacing the part by another configuration (30:30) - Launch a second simulation and generate a report for communication (31:50)

Published by: PLM Technology Published at: 7 years ago Category: مردم و وبلاگ