Flutter - Scan and Generate QR Code example


The e-commerce companies using this technology to track their product purchase with the help of QR code and Barcode unique IDs. This QR and barcodes can only read by a physical scanner device because these are not humanly readable. Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devlibs.developerlibs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/developerlibs Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developerlibs/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LibsDeveloper Join Slack Community: https://join.slack.com/t/developerlibs/shared_invite/zt-6618q9cz-AFdep4w6Go3dxjXQUCDWbg Read the complete tutorial here: https://www.developerlibs.com/2020/04/flutter-scan-generate-qr-code-example.html Github: https://github.com/DeveloperLibs/flutter_qr_barcode

Published by: Developer Libs Published at: 4 years ago Category: مردم و وبلاگ