Dreamful Canvas - paint with me!
Hey, if you`re here for the first time let me give you the gist of things... What`s this channel all about? Well, if you are even a bit like me it means that your eyes light up wherever you hear about getting creative and playing with colors. If you are a beginner trying to find your way around painting or you have been already practicing for some time or even if you just want to relax by seeing how a painting comes to life from a blank canvas you are in the right place! We`re gonna spice up your creativity and put your fingers at work with different subject and techniques so stick around and let`s paint and learn together. If you like my style and want something custom made, you can contact me at dreamfullcanvas@gmail.com. And of course if you got other questions or just want to get in touch, you are more than welcome. I will try to post videos every other week! So don't forget to subscribe and to turn on your notification so you don't miss anything!
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