in2Rafi is an educational channel emphasized on technology. The channel is dedicated to the non tech users. The idea came to my mind once one of my friends recommended me to share my 11 years long IT experience with non tech users over YouTube. In this channel I publish videos regarding computer and mobile phone relevant issues. Here are all the topics hopefully I will be able to cover successfully... 1- WordPress tutorial 2- Python programming tutorial 3- Django tutorial 4- Flask tutorial 5- Digital Marketing tutorial 6- Video Production tutorial 7- Basic graphic design tutorial 8- iPhone tips, tricks and troubleshooting 9- Android tips, tricks and troubleshooting 10- Computer tips, tricks and troubleshooting 11- Server configuration & networking 12- CCTV tutorial 13- Door Access Control system tutorial 14- IP Phone tutorial 15- PABX tutorial 16- Gaming tips & tricks 17- Miscellaneous
7140 subscribers
