Hello! All videos with no music! No talking! Just work! This channel is created to help people clean, upgrade and repair their laptops. Please be careful if you perform anything you never did before. 1) Remember where screws coming from 2) Remember where all cables coming from 3) Remove battery and unplug from power source prior doing anything to your laptop 4) Wear anti-static device (better wired and grounded anti-static device) 5) Use any other anti static precautions like anti static mat and/or anti-static gloves. 6) Be careful with all plastic parts specially all connectors on motherboard etc. They are very fragile. 7) Some screws made out of some very cheap metal and you need to apply good pressure to remove them. 8) Be prepared for unexpected damages like cracked screw holes and other broken plastic parts... 9) Prepare all tools and also glue or epoxy prior to fix anything. 10) Measure your steps 7 times - do 1 time.
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