All things gaming and gaming related. Uninfluenced honest opinions about the industry and its current state. Game previews, reviews, gameplay, guides and more. Hardware reviews, unboxings and guides. Current Coverage : Warframe, Weapon and Warframe Builds, Tutorials & Guides, Events, News and General Analysis. Heroes of the Storm, Build, Guide, Tutorial, Ranked, Gameplay, Patch Overview, Team Fight Analyzed and anything else that i consider would be interesting to see. Overwatch : For the new Hero Brawler we do Gameplay, Build, Guide, News and anything else that is cool to see. "Let me Try" is a first impressions series made as a buyers guide to help you decide if you are interested in the specific titles presented. Unboxings of various tools and hardware leaning towards more gaming oriented gear. You can also find us in all the usual social media and gaming hubs (links bellow)
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