Hi! My name is Mark Anderson and I am the founder of LeanVlog. During my 20 years of experience as a Lean Expert and Trainer, I have seen many Lean Journey … some of them failed but some of them brought people and companies to incredible results. I always liked to teach others and I am happy when they have success. This is the reason why I started in 2010 with my first website on Lean and by continuous improvement, I decided to found LeanVlog. # Why Video? You should know the famous sentence: “1 Image worth more than 1000 words“. I told myself: “How many images worth 1 video?” So, I started collecting the best lean video for myself and then I told myself: “Why other Lean Addicted or Students have to waste time to do the same research I already did?” Hence, I learned WordPress and I founded LeanVlog. Moreover, I tested many different video format and I selected the Whiteboard style as the most effective to transfer Lean Knowledge.
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